Leg 52 – Early Morning PR!
Great run from first stride! . . . Running with Linus and Lucy. . . . Singular focus on PR. . . . Rejuvenated by effort.
Great run from first stride! . . . Running with Linus and Lucy. . . . Singular focus on PR. . . . Rejuvenated by effort.
Happy 4th of July! . . . . HOT! = a “Glad-That’s-Finally-Over” run. . . . . Winning with happy distractions!
Mother Nature and I played a fun game “Chase” this morning. Literally!. . . . . endorphins, adrenaline, and ego . . . . winning vs. getting soaked. And looking to the next adventure in San Dimas!
Short run this morning, born mainly of necessity . . . . my Blue M&M t-shirt or my Perry the Platypus t-shirt generates a good deal of chatter! When I was much younger, I could just pick up and run with little or no preparation. . . . Not so much anymore.
There is a fine line between respect and mastery. . . .