Leg 024 – Spring Hill Finale
Lazy run through the country side and converations with passing motorists. Best 3 days ever!!
Lazy run through the country side and converations with passing motorists. Best 3 days ever!!
Running through the hills of Kansas City, MO . . . . Say NO to downhill starts . . . . Seeing the beauty of the earth.
Undecided sky . . . . The stretching payoff . . . .Swedish speed plays . . . . slow, fast, slow . . . . . and horseradish nirvana!
Breathtaking mountain scenery, not much oxygen. . . . choice and accountability . . . . opportunity and responsibility . . . . challenges and victories . . . . four amazing children
Catching a flight today to Helena, Montana for my oldest daughter’s high school graduation. I am proud and excited for her! And thinking about the gift of flight!!
One of the safety rules I have when running is eye contact! When to pass in front of or behind a vehicle . . . . continually plan a few steps ahead.