Leg 111 – Outrunning Ghosts
Pre-hydration for a hot run . . . Mindless route change = improvised wanderlust . . . Sudden encounter with a ghost from the past . . . Running forward towards closure.
Pre-hydration for a hot run . . . Mindless route change = improvised wanderlust . . . Sudden encounter with a ghost from the past . . . Running forward towards closure.
Approaching Hoover Dam . . . . Reliability of the 20 Degree Rule . . . . Fam’s heretical advice . . . . How far can I go? Decide and commit!
Staying one stride ahead of a cold . . . . Google+ posts and memes . . . . Running revisions.
Lots of stretching = better starts . . . . Running is a mental sport . . . . How to merge road races with full marathon training. . . . Waiting weariness . . . .
Early morning run with reflective running gear . . . . Good route for fartleks . . . . Reminiscing on my daughter’s birthday!
New running club route . . . . Pre-mature tattooing . . . . Colorful run through the art district!