Leg 006 – The Sprinkler Advantage
Springtime is when automated sprinkler systems come to life . . . . The 700 Mile Retirement Party . . . . Work!!
Also, the LA Dodgers and wicker bike baskets.
Springtime is when automated sprinkler systems come to life . . . . The 700 Mile Retirement Party . . . . Work!!
Also, the LA Dodgers and wicker bike baskets.
Short run this morning, born mainly of necessity . . . . my Blue M&M t-shirt or my Perry the Platypus t-shirt generates a good deal of chatter! When I was much younger, I could just pick up and run with little or no preparation. . . . Not so much anymore.
There is a fine line between respect and mastery. . . .
Rain storms throughout the night delivered dreary clouds and a wet breeze that made it seem cooler than the thermometer revealed. . . . thank goodness for the 20 Degree Rule. . . . Belief without action . . . .
Suggestions needed for a running victory dance.
Happy Mother’s Day!! . . . . a lot of people on the roads and sidewalks this morning . . . . I’ve been thinking a lot about the Moms in my life this past week.
Running is sort of my Cathedral, my meditation time. . . . my mind always turns to weightier matters. The matter du jour . . . . Change and uncertainty, a double edge sword.